Tuesday, January 12, 2016


About Internet
Hello Guys...!
Do you all know what exactly the Internet is ?
It can be simply defined as a network of networks which consists of millions of networks.All the websites which we open in our day to day life are nothing but computer or a group of computers(Clustered Computers which have more CPU's to handle more data and processes).So,these computers are identified by their IP address every website has an IP address to identify that it belongs to a particular system.
It will be difficlut to remember the IP addresses of different websites if it was the only way to access the website that is the reason the organisation world wide web has come with a thing called URL(Uniform Resource Locater).
www.google.com can also be accessed by its IP address
If you want to find the IP address of a website you can ping that website in Command Prompt (windows) or Terminal (Linux)
Ping command is used to know whether that website or any Computer is active or not.It sends some data packets to that website or computer and request it to send it back so if tahts ystem is active it sends back the packets if it is not active they go waste thus we can know whether it is active or not.
If we type "ping www.google.com"
We can see the ip address and details abput how many packets we have sent and received.This internet is free and everyone can use it so you might get a doubt the why we are paying the mobile operators or other ISP's who ever maybe.
We are not paying for internet we are actually paying to connect to that global network(which is internet).Where google,yahoo,bing,facebook...etc.All these are in a network so we are paying to connect to that network.Mobile operators and other ISP's they need to do some work connecting to all areas.
If we take mobile operators he needs to do the cabling and other things to connect to the globalnetwork he needs to connect every signal producing tower to a place  where he connects to the internet.As 2G 3G 4G comes he needs to install new cable or introduce something else which costs a lot because many people connect.
Now we have got used to internet a lot , mobile operators want to use this and trying to start charging for basic services like whatsapp,google which were free and facebook wants use this situation and make Indians feel good about facebook.Infuture facebook may introduce something like this where we may feel to pay as they were helping us when mobile operators were charging.

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